No matter how many authors are named in a work, the formats for quotation, paraphrase, or summary are the same. The only difference is in how you format the authors' last names.
Two authors
(1) Narrative citation: List the authors' last names, separated with "and," and followed immediately by the year in parentheses:
Shear and Sanger (2014) report that Japan is planning to surrender to Washington more than 700 pounds of high-grade plutonium and uranium, enough for making dozens of nuclear weapons.
(2) Parenthetical citation: Place the authors' last names, separated by an ampersand, along with year (and location if it is a quotation) after the cited idea:
According to American and Japanese officials, Japan is planning to surrender to Washington more than 700 pounds of high-grade plutonium and uranium, enough for making dozens of nuclear weapons (Shear & Sanger, 2014).
Three or more authors
(1) Narrative citation: List the first author's last name followed by "et al" starting with the first citation:
Beck et al. (2012) stated, "The fact that some of these programs are controversially discussed due to concerns over their effects on society or criticized for voyeurism, contrived settings, or commercialism, may even have increased this interest" (p. 2).
(2) Parenthetical citation: List the first author's last name followed by "et al" starting with the first citation:
"The fact that some of these programs are controversially discussed due to concerns over their effects on society or criticized for voyeurism, contrived settings, or commercialism, may even have increased this interest" (Beck et al., 2012, p. 2).