- For articles with two or more authors, use the same format as print books.
- Include the year, month, and day for daily and weekly publications.
- Include the year and month for monthly publications, and include the day if it's available.
- Write out a work's title like you would write out a sentence: Capitalize the first word, any proper nouns, and the first word
Article from an online newspaper
Cowell, A. (2014, March 17). Lawmakers in Crimea move swiftly to split from Ukraine. The New York Times.
Article from a print newspaper
Wines, M. (2014, March 17). West's drought and growth intensify conflict over water rights.
The New York Times, A1.
Article from an online magazine
Honan, M. (2014, March 17). Psyched about in-flight gadgets? They could make your trip even worse. Wired.
Article from a print magazine
Walsh, B. (2011, April 11). The gas dilemma. Time, 40-48.
Journal article with a DOI (digital object identifier)
Fauci, A., & Marstan, H.D. (2014). Ending AIDS - Is an HIV vaccine necessary? New England Journal of Medicine,
370(6), 495-498.
volume(issue), page range
Journal article without a DOI (Non-scientific studies often do not have a DOI)
Beck, D., Hellmueller, L.C., & Aeschbacher, N. (2012). Factual entertainment and reality TV. Communication
Research Trends, 31(2), 4-27.
volume(issue), page range