:APA In-text Citations and References: How They Work Together
In APA style, in-text citations and the reference list work together like a road sign and a destination. The in-text citation gives a brief signpost that points the reader to the full details of the source in the reference list at the end of the document.
Here’s how they work together:
• In-Text Citations: The Signposts
An in-text citation appears inside the body of your paper whenever you use someone else’s work—whether it’s a quote, a paraphrase, or a summary of their ideas.
• Reference List: The Destination
Every in-text citation must have a matching reference entry in the reference list at the end of your paper. The reference provides full details so that the reader can locate the source.
Let’s say you write this sentence in your paper:
• Example (In-Text Citation):
“Online education has improved accessibility for students with disabilities” (Smith, 2020, p. 42).
Then, at the end of your paper, you provide the full reference:
• Example (Reference List Entry):
Smith, J. (2020). The future of education. https://www.examplesource.com
Key Takeaways
• In-text citations: Short signpost in your paper (author, year, page if quoting
• Reference list: Full source details at the end of the pap
• Every in-text citation must match a reference list entry.
• The reference list is alphabetized by the author’s last name.
Explore the various APA links here to learn more about using APA.
In APA style, in-text citations and the reference list work together like a road sign and a destination. The in-text citation gives a brief signpost that points the reader to the full details of the source in the reference list at the end of the document.
Here’s how they work together:
• In-Text Citations: The Signposts
An in-text citation appears inside the body of your paper whenever you use someone else’s work—whether it’s a quote, a paraphrase, or a summary of their ideas.
• Reference List: The Destination
Every in-text citation must have a matching reference entry in the reference list at the end of your paper. The reference provides full details so that the reader can locate the source.
Let’s say you write this sentence in your paper:
• Example (In-Text Citation):
“Online education has improved accessibility for students with disabilities” (Smith, 2020, p. 42).
Then, at the end of your paper, you provide the full reference:
• Example (Reference List Entry):
Smith, J. (2020). The future of education. https://www.examplesource.com
Key Takeaways
• In-text citations: Short signpost in your paper (author, year, page if quoting
• Reference list: Full source details at the end of the pap
• Every in-text citation must match a reference list entry.
• The reference list is alphabetized by the author’s last name.
Explore the various APA links here to learn more about using APA.